Sunday 1 July 2012

The Essence

xxxx's flagged message

From xxxx to flagger:
Dear xxxx:

You embody the essence of what's wrong with this fucking world: super competent, sensitive, lively passionate women looking for a needle in the haystack of bankers, hedge funders, romneys who can't get their heads out of the Wall Street Journal and into neither the intellectual, artistic,or physical pussy of a woman with so much to share.

I have loved walking- mostly pausing to look, to really look and savor the visual feasts that surround me - anywhere! I don't need money for this - there is a dialog with a frog, or the lightening bug I found on my window blind as I ever so gently lifted him/her to freedom outside my kitchen.

There are those awful smelling snap turtles, heavy with swamp grass, trying to cross a road during migrating season - with kids behind wheels who would try to crush them at high speed for a speedy high.

Have you read Jean-Henri Farbre - Life of the spider ? I commend it to you along with a silent hope that there is a companion for you who knows how to properly cuddle and dance and handle the tiller of a sailboat, and is comfortable with Opus 131 - ( take another hear of Bartok's 4th Quartet - Emerson). Buena Suerte.
Bxxxx Wxxxx